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  • Increases Lean Muscle Mass
  • Helps Shed Excess Fat
  • Sharpens Memory
  • Boosts Sex Drive
  • Restores Energy…Naturally

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Fewer Wrinkles, Improved Memory, More Sex...And That's Just The Beginning!

Remember when you were a teenager, and no matter what you ate, you wouldn't get flabby?

Or that boundless energy you had, with a memory that was just as sharp as a razor?

GenFX™ is an HGH releaser – a natural growth hormone supplement scientifically formulated with herbals and amino acids to transform a once-young body back to its former glory, with benefits including:

  • boundless energy
  • more lean muscle mass
  • less fat storage
  • increased sex drive
  • better memory & more!

Let's explain something for a moment that many people take for granted...

Growth hormone is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Among many things, it's responsible for your height, bone density, hair color (and condition), skin, energy levels and your libido.

But the fine print reads: Growth hormone production decreases with age, starting around 30. By 50, many adults have 25% less growth hormone than they did at 23.

Then come the wrinkles. Lean muscle turns to flab. You've got less energy. And your libido? You get the idea.

GenFX™ is designed to increase natural production of growth hormone, to age well, naturally, and feel great about your quality of life, with a slim figure, sharp mental skills, fewer wrinkles.

You may even get more sex out of the equation...

GenFX™ is doctor-approved, with no synthetic HGH and comes with no reported side effects. Many clients report results beginning in just two weeks.

And it's backed by a very generous 67 day risk-free money-back guarantee. So you've got nothing to lose!


The Following GenFX™Ingredients Have Been Have Been Shown To Impact Several Aging Effects:

L-Arginine Molecule

Amino Acids:

GenFX™ tablets contain purified amino acids, herbal, plant- and animal-derived constituents. Seven of the amino acids in the tablets are essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and thus are required to be obtained in the diet, from animal- or plant-derived protein sources. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and GenFX™ provides a total of 12 amino acids to build protein.

Amino acid supplementation may increase body muscle mass and decrease fat deposits (*Dillon et al. 2009). Regulation of nutrient intake and its effects are varied and complex, but it has been shown that an intake of a balanced mixture of amino acids immediately post exercise has anabolic (muscle building) effects (*Biolo et al 1997).

L-Arginine Molecule

Amino Acids:

GenFX™ tablets contain purified amino acids, herbal, plant- and animal-derived constituents. Seven of the amino acids in the tablets are essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not synthesized in the human body and thus are required to be obtained in the diet, from animal- or plant-derived protein sources. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and GenFX™ provides a total of 12 amino acids to build protein.

Amino acid supplementation may increase body muscle mass and decrease fat deposits (*Dillon et al. 2009). Regulation of nutrient intake and its effects are varied and complex, but it has been shown that an intake of a balanced mixture of amino acids immediately post exercise has anabolic (muscle building) effects (*Biolo et al 1997).

L-Arginine Molecule

L-lysine, L-arginine, L-ornithine, L-glycine and L-glutamine:

It has been seen that oral intake of L-lysine, L-arginine, and L-ornithine (obtained from L-arginine) can allow athletes to gain muscle mass and strength by increasing growth hormone levels (*Zajac et al. 2010, Chromiak and Antonio 2002). Administration of L-lysine or L-arginine by themselves has proven ineffective, but the combination of equal amounts of lysine and arginine can stimulate growth hormone release from the anterior pituitary (*Isidori et al. 1981). Two other amino acids contained in GenFX™, L-glycine and L-glutamine, also play a role in inducing GH secretion in middle-aged and elderly subjects (*Arwert et al. 2003).

It should be emphasized that these four amino acids increase natural production of growth hormone, which is mainly released in pulses during deep (REM) sleep. Increased GH levels positively impacts energy, quality of life and lean body mass, decreases fat mass, lowers cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels noticeably within a treatment period of three to six months in GH deficient individuals (*Cuneo et al. 1998, Rudman et al. 1991, Rudman et al. 1990).

L-Arginine Molecule

L-Pyroglutamate, or L-pyroglutamic acid:

L-Pyroglutamate, or L-pyroglutamic acid, an uncommon amino acid contained in GenFX™, increases cognition by increasing survival of neuronal cells (*Oono et al. 2009). More memory and cognition enhancing effects were shown in studies to be provided by another amino acid constituent, L-tyrosine. L-tyrosine is the substrate for the production of L-Dopa by tyrosine hydroxylase, allowing survival of dopamine signaling neurons.


The plant-based components of GenFX™, Panax ginseng powder, derived from the Chinese ginseng plant, contains ginsenosides that enhance alertness and neuronal survival (*Chen et al. 2007), and improve circulation. Soy phosphatide complexes (one being lecithin or phosphatidylcholine) improve brain function and memory, and both phosphatides and phytosterols reduce cholesterol and LDL in plasma (decreasing chances for atherosclerosis) by inhibiting cholesterol uptake in the gut (*Cohn et al. 2010, Sanclemente et al. 2009).


For the animal-based components of GenFX™, extracts from bovine anterior pituitary gland contain trace amounts of adrenocorticotropic (ACTH), thyroid-stimulating (TSH), and growth hormones, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, endorphins, and melanocyte stimulating hormone. Similarly, hypothalamic extract contains minute amounts of vasopressin and oxytocin. The peptide hormones in these extracts are likely degraded to amino acids by the gastrointestinal tract, serving as substrates for new protein synthesis, and the steroid hormones not absorbed as functional hormones, but may be used as scaffolds for production of endogenous pituitary and hypothalamic hormones.


The amino acids and plant phosphatides and phytosterols in GenFX™ can with exercise and a balanced diet help maintain muscle mass and strength, decrease fat deposits, keep cholesterol and LDL levels at low healthy levels in plasma, and help maintain or improve memory and cognition.


What is GenFX™?

GenFX™ is an HGH releaser. You can also call it a natural growth hormone supplement. It's designed to stimulate natural production of growth hormone, with benefits including more energy, restored sex drive, fewer wrinkles, sharpened memory, a slimmer figure and more.

How will GenFX™ help me feel my best?

GenFX™ is formulated to restore natural production of growth hormone, which tends to decrease at roughly 10% each decade after 30. This in part explains, among other things, hair loss (and original color), wrinkles, loss of lean muscle, less energy and failing memory.

GenFX™ is designed to stimulate natural production of growth hormone, back to levels of one's youth, and the cosmetic, health and wellness benefits to match.

Is GenFX™ Steroids?

Not at all. They're not related.

Steroids are a class of drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone that some athletes use for their anabolic, or 'building up' properties. They're illegal when used in this manner.

GenFX™ is a dietary, non-prescription supplement designed to encourage your body to produce growth hormone naturally, without drugs. There are no steroids, synthetic hormones or injections associated with it.

Is GenFX™ safe?

GenFX™ is completely natural and comes with no reported side effects. The product is manufactured at a cGMP-compliant facility according to strict health regulations. All of its raw materials are tested for purity.

Without knowing your medical history, it's impossible to say that any supplement is 100% safe for your particular needs. There are medications to consider, and pre-existing conditions...

Which is why we encourage you to speak with your doctor if you're concerned about interactions or specific medical concerns.

We think you'll agree this makes sense.

What we can tell you is that thousands of adults in the United States and around the globe take GenFX™ each day and they're very happy with the results.

Do I need a prescription to buy GenFX™?

Being a natural, dietary supplement, GenFX™ does not require a doctor prescription and can be conveniently purchased on Natural Health Source.

When will I see results?

Most clients report an increase in energy and sleeping better within the first 2-3 weeks of using GenFX™, with improvements in appearance, lean muscle mass and skin tone being more prominent after 2 months...

We know from experience that the most dramatic benefits from using GenFX™ occur after 2 months, which is why we offer GenFX™ with a very generous money-back 67 day guarantee.

Consider GenFX™ an investment in your ongoing health and happiness. And stay the course, because your growth hormone levels will again plummet on discontinued use...

How do I take GenFX™?

Take two tablets of GenFX™ each day; once in the morning and again in the evening, for best results and maximum health, energy, physical benefits and enjoyment of life!


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67 days guarantee

Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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