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  • Fights Hair Loss From The INSIDE OUT
  • With Trichogen®*, Clinically Proven
  • *Reduced Hair Loss In 90% Of Men
  • Stop “DHT” From Damaging Hair Follicles
  • Now Doctor Recommended!

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MSRP $79.95Now Only $69.95Save $10.00

Money Back Guarantee

67 Day Guarantee

Try any of our products RISK FREE for 67 days and if they do not work for you, send back the empty containers and we will issue you a prompt, hassle-free refund ( find out how )

Profollica® Overview

Stop Hair Loss Naturally With This #1 Rated Hair Treatment System For Men!

A breakthrough in the science of men’s hair loss has now conclusively proven:

The majority of guys who experience hair loss and balding have a genetic sensitivity to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which is an extremely potent male sex hormone!

In guys with a family history of male pattern baldness, DHT causes something called "follicle miniaturization."

This is where DHT actually causes your hair follicles to shrink until your hair dies! Your hair gets brittle... begins to thin... and turns into what we call "peach fuzz"... until it completely falls out!

Left untreated, this form of male pattern baldness can be permanent. You can never regrow the hair.

However, caught early enough with Profollica®, you may actually be able to SLOW, STOP, and possibly even REVERSE your hair loss by preventing the formation of DHT!

​How It Works To Help Prevent Hair Follicles From Shrinking

Profollica® works by interrupting alpha-5-reductase enzymes from attaching themselves to your free testosterone. And this is what prevents DHT from forming and attacking your hair follicles.

Plus it fortifies your body with a series of all-natural nutrients and herbals known to help prevent hair loss.

So with daily use of Profollica® for two full months, you may experience a visible INCREASE in your hair regrowth, with noticeably LESS hair loss as it:

  • Helps prevent the formation of harmful DHT!
  • Stops the shrinking of your hair follicles
  • Promotes the growth of healthy, thicker NEW thicker!
  • Hair is healthier due to improved blood & nutrient circulation in the follicles
  • Your scalp oil is regulated (reduces "greasy" look)
  • Dormant hair follicles start growing hair again
  • Hair elasticity and texture improves
  • Hair is STRONGER, with less breakage
  • Helps prevent premature greying
  • Itchy scalp and dandruff conditions vanish

... Plus much more!

More Than Just Another Hair Loss Shampoo:

Profollica® is 2-Step Anti-Hair Loss SYSTEM that works from the INSIDE OUT

Until recently, guys had limited options for treating their DHT-triggered hair loss. Prescription drugs like Propecia® and Minoxidil® were shown to be effective but with a high, almost 1 in 20 risk of long-term sexual side effects!

Fortunately, now there's doctor-recommended Profollica®...

... The 2-Step Hair Treatment System For Men that fights DHT from both the inside and outside, without the unwanted side effects that are commonly associated with prescription drugs.

Let's take a look at how it works:

Profollica's daily supplement has been carefully formulated to feed your body a series of herbals, nutrients, proteins, amino acids, and enzymes that directly target your production of DHT...

... Seeking to interrupt and STOP the formation of follicle-killing DHT!

Plus, it's also formulated to help reduce the effects of lifestyle conditions that further increase your hair loss like unhealthy diet, ongoing stress, depression, sickness, and more.

For maximum benefits plan to continue supplementation for a minimum of 60 days! (And remember that ongoing use is necessary to keep your DHT production under control.)

Step #1 – The Daily Supplement

Profollica's daily supplement has been carefully formulated to feed your body a series of herbals, nutrients, proteins, amino acids, and enzymes that directly target your production of DHT...

... Seeking to interrupt and STOP the formation of follicle-killing DHT!

Plus, it's also formulated to help reduce the effects of lifestyle conditions that further increase your hair loss like unhealthy diet, ongoing stress, depression, sickness, and more.

For maximum benefits plan to continue supplementation for a minimum of 60 days! (And remember that ongoing use is necessary to keep your DHT production under control.)

​Step #2 – Activator Gel With Trichogen®

Trichogen® has been clinically proven to increase hair growth in up to 90% of men – helping grow thicker, healthier hair while actively blocking the formation of follicle-shrinking DHT!

It’s easy to use the Profollica® Activator Gel – you just massage it into damp hair and scalp after shampooing.

And in clinical trials, after 112 days of using Trichogen, men experienced:

  • 90% of men said their hair loss had DECREASED!
  • 87.5% rated their hair growth as "good" or "quite good"
  • 62.5% rated their hair volume as "good" or "quite good"
  • 45% said they saw less hair on their pillows
  • 41% noticed less hair falling out during shampooing
  • 24% noticed less hair falling out during styling

Try It RISK FREE For 67-Days!
Feeling a little skeptical? Wondering if Profollica® could really solve YOUR hair loss issues?

It's no problem! Because today, you're invited to try Profollica for 60 days, RISK FREE!

This is more than enough time to experience the hair regrowth benefits for yourself. And if you're not satisfied with the results, you can simply return the empty bottles within 67 days of purchase for a full refund of monies paid minus only your shipping fees.

What could be more fair?

Wondering why our guarantee is so generous? Because we know that men who experience the hair growth benefits of Profollica® typically become loyal lifetime customers. So we'd rather you tried it and returned it, than never tried it at all!


Profollica® helps guys fight hair loss and encourage regrowth. It’s made with a series of hair-friendly nutrients
that help stimulate hair follicles and give the confidence of having more hair. The Profollica® formula includes:


Niacin Molecule


Supports healthy dilation of blood vessels and brings blood to the surface of the skin, increasing blood
circulation in the scalp. Necessary for proper circulation, healthy skin, and proper functioning of the
nervous system. Niacin can also strengthen hair, so it breaks less easily. Profollica® has been formulated
to contain enough Niacin to increase blood circulation in the scalp without producing the embarrassing
"niacin flush" across your entire body and face.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Men suffering from hair loss often have a B12 deficiency. This water soluble vitamin plays a key role in the
optimal functioning of the brain and nervous system, as well as the formation of blood. It's extremely
important for healthy hair as it plays a key role in the proper formation of red blood cells that transfer
oxygen to various parts of the body – including your hair.




Biotin plays a key role in the hair manufacturing process as it's required for cell growth, the production of
fatty acids, as well as the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It's often recommended for strengthening
hair as it protects against dryness while increasing the elasticity of the hair's cortex, preventing
breakage. Hair loss can be a sign of a Biotin deficiency.

Activator Gel



This is a DHT and conditioning agent of great interest among experts looking for an effective hair loss
treatment. In a clinical study, Trichogen reportedly reduced hair loss in 90% of men who used it.




An amino acid considered essential for healthy hair growth. It boosts nitric oxide levels in the scalp,
increasing blood flow and nutrients available to roots./p>




A hair growth stimulant that blocks DHT when combined with Biotin and Zinc Gluconate, both included in

Other Ingredient: Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Acetyl Tyrosine, Arctium Majus Root Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein,
Polyquaternium-11, PEG-12 Dimethicone, Calcium Pantothenate, Zinc Gluconate, Ornithine HCl, Citrulline, Glucosamine HCl,
Biotin, Propylene Glycol, Kigelia Africana Fruit Extract, Gingko Biloba Leaf Extract, Salvia Sclarea (Clary) Extract,
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Bark Extract, Germall Plus,


What exactly is Profollica?

Profollica® is a revolutionary 2-part anti-hair loss SYSTEM for men that has been doctor-endorsed for its approach to slowing and stopping the effects of male pattern baldness... while encouraging the growth of healthy NEW hair! Changes in appearance of hair typically become *most* visible after you've been using Profollica® for a minimum of 60 days, so we offer Profollica® with a RISK FREE 60-Day Moneyback Guarantee... to incentivize men to continue treatment for 60 days!

How does Profollica® stop hair loss?

The vast majority of male hair loss is genetically based. Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness (MPB), is triggered by a sensitivity to a particularly potent form of testosterone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). In the scalps of men genetically prone to baldness, DHT initiates a process called follicle miniaturization, which causes your hair follicles to shrink and die, so hair can no longer grow there.

Profollica® is a 2-Step Anti-Hair Loss SYSTEM – supplement, shampoo, and activator gel – that works from both the INSIDE and OUTSIDE to help reverse your hair loss by:

  • Reducing your DHT levels,
  • Awakening dormant hair follicles back to the anagen "growth" phase,
  • And giving you visibly thicker, healthier hair.

The vast majority of non-prescription "natural" hair loss systems fail because they don't address the internal issues causing your overproduction of DHT. But that's what makes Profollica® a stand-out leader, now doctor endorsed for the dealing with hair loss and male pattern baldness: It aggressively addresses your high levels of DHT – in a safe, natural way!

Can Profollica® help me regrow hair I've ALREADY lost?

The earlier you begin dealing with your hair loss, the more likely you are to:

  • Dramatically slow your overall hair loss (or stop it)
  • Regrow hair in thinning areas for an overall thicker appearance
  • Halt the follicle miniaturization process

We receive testimonials from men at ALL stages of hair loss – men who've used Profollica® and seen dramatic slowing of hair loss as well as impressive regrowth.

However, remember that it's extremely difficult to regrow hair in areas where there's not even peach fuzz and the scalp has become shiny.These are the areas where the follicle miniaturization is usually complete.

Your best course of action is to start using Profollica® EARLY and keep using the system. You can't "cure" hair loss. If you stop using the Profollica, you risk losing any gains you've made as your DHT levels increase once more.

How long does it take to see results?

To experience the full, long-term hair regrowth benefits of Profollica, you should plan to continue using the SYSTEM for a minimum of 60 days.

Just like you'll only experience the benefits of a daily multi-vitamin for as long as you continue supplementation, you'll only experience the hair growth benefits of Profollica® for as long as you continue using it.

And think about it...It only makes sense that it will take 60 days before you see results because:

  1. It takes at least 30 days of use for your DHT levels to "normalize", and
  2. It takes another 30 days for you to actually see the hair regrowth (remember, hair grows slowly at a rate of 1/2 inch per month in a healthy male)!

So we recommend using Profollica® for at least 60 days before making a decision about whether or not it's working for you!

And don't forget: Our moneyback guarantee allows you to try it RISK FREE for 60 days! So your investment is protected the entire time you're testing it. How many prescription medications offer you this same guarantee? None that we're aware of!

What causes male hair loss?

Hair loss can be caused by a wide variety of factors that include poor diet, stress, illness, medications, infections, and more. However, the vast majority of hair loss is genetically based.

Androgenic alopecia, commonly known as male pattern baldness (MPB), is triggered by a sensitivity to a particularly potent form of testosterone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

Over 15 years of scientific studies and research have conclusively proven: In the scalps of men genetically prone to baldness, DHT initiates a process called follicle miniaturization. This occurs when hair follicles exposed to DHT get progressively SMALLER until the hair resembles fragile "peach fuzz"... and then finally stops growing entirely as the follicle dies.

Men who suffer from male pattern baldness typically have:

  • Higher levels of 5-alpha-reductase
  • Lower levels of total testosterone
  • Higher levels of unbound/free testosterone
  • And high levels of total free androgens including DHT.

The 5-alpha-reductase is responsible for converting your unbound free testosterone into the potent DHT that causes hair loss. So if you want to slow, stop, and reverse your hairloss, you need to start by addressing your high levels of DHT.

How much hair loss is normal?

It's normal to lose roughly 50-100 hairs per day. However, if you've started to notice a receding hair line or thinning crown, it's important that you begin dealing with your hair loss immediately.

The sooner you address your hair loss, the longer you're likely to keep existing hair and regrow "lost" hair in thinning areas. If you wait until the follicle miniaturization process is complete (i.e. your scalp is shiny, and the peach fuzz is gone), it's extremely difficult and in most cases impossible to reverse.

What is DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen that's formed when the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme binds with free testosterone. DHT is what attacks your hair follicles – actually shrinking them until hair can no longer grow there. Some men are genetically predisposed to be more sensitive to DHT – and produce more DHT overall – than others, which is why some men lose their hair while others don't.

It's important to begin dealing with your hair loss early, before the follicle miniaturization process is finished and the hair follicle is completely dead. At this time, the only truly effective, medically proven way to slow/stop hair loss and begin some regrowth is by lowering your DHT levels.

Why does hair STOP growing?

The hair growth cycle can be interrupted and stopped entirely by high levels of DHT, which cause your hair follicles to become shorter and shorter until the hair is gone forever.

It works like this:

  1. High levels of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme appear in some hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
  2. 5-alpha-reductase helps convert "free testosterone" into DHT.
  3. DHT causes the miniaturization of hair follicles.
  4. Hair becomes shorter and fuzzier, providing inadequate scalp coverage.
  5. The growth phase becomes shorter.
  6. The hair is finally lost for good as the hair follicle is no longer active.

To stop hair follicles from shrinking, you must lower your levels of DHT.

Profollica® is a 2-part anti-hair loss SYSTEM designed to help reduce your DHT levels from both the inside and outside, with a nutritional supplement, daily shampoo, and activator gel.

Do I wash out the Activator Gel like a conditioner?

After using the Revive Shampoo, towel dry your hair and then gently massage the Activator Gel throughout your hair and into your scalp. Do not wash out.

Will Profollica® cure my hair loss?

There is no "cure" for hair loss, so don't be fooled by anyone promising you this. However, you CAN slow your hair loss and encourage regrowth of hair that's been lost early due to a high DHT sensitivity.

The key is addressing your hair loss early with a product that directly targets your high levels of DHT. The earlier you do something about your hair loss, the more hair you're likely to regrow, and the longer you're likely to keep your remaining hair.

Aren't prescription drugs like Finasteride and Minoxidil a better treatment choice?

We can't make a medical recommendation. You should always speak with your doctor to get a comprehensive medical opinion specific to your unique health needs and concerns.

There is no substitute for your doctor's professional opinion!

That said, you should be aware that clinical studies are reporting some alarming long-term sexual side effects in as many as 18% of men who use these prescription drugs. So it's worth doing some research and discussing your findings with your doctor.

According to, side effects of finasteride include:

  • Impotence (1.1% to 18.5%)
  • Abnormal ejaculation (7.2%)
  • Decreased ejaculatory volume (0.9% to 2.8%)
  • Abnormal sexual function (2.5%)
  • Gynecomastia (2.2%)
  • Erectile dysfunction (1.3%)
  • Ejaculation disorder (1.2%)

Worse, in December of 2008, the Swedish Medical Products Agency concluded a safety investigation of Propecia and subsequently advised that the use of Propecia may result in irreversible sexual dysfunction. The Agency's updated safety information lists difficulty in obtaining an erection that persists indefinitely, even after the discontinuation of Propecia, as a possible side effect of the drug!

If you haven't tried a hair loss solution before, and your doctor approves, why not try Profollica's natural, doctor-endorsed treatment system first? It has NO KNOWN side effects, and offers a potentially safer alternative to prescription drugs. Plus - it's backed by our RISK FREE 60-Day Moneyback Guarantee!

How can I be sure Profollica® is safe for me?

  • We're cGMP compliant!
  • All of our raw materials are tested for purity prior to production.
  • We'll happily show you our Certificate of Analysis for any of our ingredients to prove their freshness, safety, and potency, just ask!
  • And every bottle of Profollica® is carefully marked with a lot number and expiry date!
    Your safety and results are our #1 priority. Ethically, we simply can't imagine running our business any other way!

    Are there any side effects?

    No, there are no negative side effects that we're currently aware of, but please consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.

    I'm a woman suffering with hair loss - will Profollica® work for me?

    Profollica® has been formulated to deal specifically with androgenic alopecia – male pattern baldness.

    We don't actively recommend it for women's hair loss and it should not be used by women who are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or breastfeeding.

    Is this going to be expensive?

    Profollica® is very affordable, especially when compared to other anti-hair loss solutions:

    Prescription treatments for hair loss typically cost $80-$100 per month (and that's before you've purchased shampoos, conditioning agents, etc.)...
    And surgeries cost $1000s, with added costs of time away from work, lost wages, pain killers, etc...
    ... Yet the complete Profollica® SYSTEM can be purchased in 2 to 5 month discounted savings packages that bring your monthly investment down to something extremely affordable: About the same as what you'd expect to pay for a quality shampoo & conditioner from your average hair salon!

    Do you offer any discounts?

    Yes. To encourage new clients to try Profollica® for at least 60 days to begin seeing the FULL benefits, as DHT levels are reduced and new hair growth becomes visible, we offer savings on 2 to 5 month supplies.

    Do you guarantee your product?

    Absolutely! We know from experience... Men who try Profollica® for a minimum of 60 days are the ones who see the most dramatic results and go on to become loyal clients and fans. So we offer a 60-Day RISK FREE Moneyback Guarantee (minus S&H) to incentivize you to stick with the program for a minimum of 60 days.

    Try it for 60 days. If you can't SEE the results... if you're not thrilled with the overall change in your appearance as your hair begins to regrow... then simply return the empty bottles for a COMPLETE refund, minus shipping & handling charges.

    That's right... We encourage you to use ALL of the product we send you. If you don't love it,we'll give your money back - no questions asked.

    What name will show up on my Credit Card statement?

    Credit card charges will appear on your statement as "" or "".


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    100% Satisfaction

    67 days guarantee

    Please try our products for 60 days and if for any reason you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund (excluding shipping charges).

    If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple containers, don’t worry. Any unopened containers returned, along with your first two opened containers (within the 60 day guarantee period) will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our products.

    Please do not ship any product back after the 67 day refund period has expired. Returns must be received back at warehouse within 67 days of delivery with no exceptions. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.

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